Nagzira National Park is located between Bhandara and Gondia district of Maharashtra, Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary comes under Nagpur Circle.It is about 120 Km from Nagpur and is one of the key eco conservation zone in Central India. Nagzira’s rich biodiversity makes it a preferred gateway for naturalists and wildlife lovers. Nagzira got its name from ‘Naag’ (Snake) Temple which is exactly in the middle of the jungle and ‘zira’ (zara) in Marathi which means a perennial source of water that comes out from a hill in Pongezara.

The total area of this sanctuary was 116.54 sqkm in the rear 1970 when it was declared a Wildlife Sanctuary. But in the year 2012, state government directed to merge this sanctuary with another national park in view of “Saving Tiger” project. This sanctuary is embraced by natural beauty. With spectacular landscapes dense vegetation, one cannot deny of its wondrous existence.The forest is home for several wild animals and birds and hence jungle safari in Nagzira is one of the preferred wildlife tours for jungle lovers.